By the time you reach those numbers, you've hit the armor cap anyway, at which point improved armor rating doesn't matter.
For a Heavy Armor user, spending the talent to get Dragonbone armor is a waste. You can easily hit the armor cap with Daedric armor, and there's no such thing as Dragonbone weapons, so there's no justifying taking the perk for that reason.
For a Heavy Armor user, spending the talent to get Dragonbone armor is a waste. You can easily hit the armor cap with Daedric armor, and there's no such thing as Dragonbone weapons, so there's no justifying taking the perk for that reason.
oh oh i see what you mean, but no i use light armour actually most of the time, but ive started training my heavy armour because im starting to play on expert mode and i originally intended to be sort of an assasin, but seeing as though its a lot harder than it seems i sort of ditched that idea after a while and go my one handed to 100 so now i usually run headfirst into combat which requires defense
point is i used to use light armour and smithing was the first thing i got to 100