Crysis 2 Community Specialists Needed

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:49 pm


With Crysis 2 the general consensus is that it is dying out, there is a lack of support and too many hackers. Well there is an answer. Tactical Carnage is a new gaming community with real gamers in charge with the mission of providing an excellent and stable gaming environment for members to enjoy and benefit from. There is absolutely no reason you should come online to spend free time gaming and have to deal with problems or drama. Each day Tactical Carnage continues down its path of being a one of a kind community and getting closer to revolutionizing the gaming community scene by showing members like you that not all communities are the same. I believe that with the right people involved, and enough people playing together then Crytek will see that there is real interest and support will be shown. I am personally in need of 4 specialists who would be simply responsible for informing people about Tactical Carnage and getting more Crysis 2 players involved. My personal goal with this is to get Crytek to take notice, get you guys tournaments and generally keep Crysis 2 breathing, there is no pay and the admin involved are not paid. We do it for the love of our games. At Tactical Carnage we also support PS3, Xbox360, Wii and have dedicated server for the games that follow: Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source, Crossfire, Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2, Bad Company 2 Vietnam, Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3, Mount & Blade: Warband, Mount & Blade: Fire & Sword, Crysis 2, World of WarCraft, All Points Bulletin, League of Legends, Eve Online, Aion, Lord of The Rings Online, Runescape, Everquest II, Heroes of Newerth, Age of Conan, The Old Republic, Warhammer Online, Rift, Runes of Magic, Eden Eternal, Guild Wars 2, StarCraft II, Diablo III, Ruse, Company of Heroes, Minecraft and Terraria, Garry's Mod (GMOD).

Many Thanks for Listening,


Dept. Head of Crysis 2
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rebecca moody
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:07 pm

Dept. Head of Crysis 2


Anyways, me and some friends admin the PUG community of Crysis 2, and have run and participated in several tournaments, and I can say from experience that if you want any kind of involvement from this community you need to go and hand deliver this message to them personally and talk to them.

This game has a lot of new MP players that aren't used to playing like a community like a source game or a COD game. You have to put a lot more effort into it if you want results, a forum post won't cut it.

Good luck,


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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:24 pm

I think that the only way to keep this game from dying is up to the Crydev modding community...

What this game really needs is not organized matches...

But cool custom maps and epic mods that will bring back people
that they rather have their foot shot than play another skyline map.
I mean the vanilla rotation has gotten really old... and nobody (not that much anyway) have the DLC's...

I will "not" mention about the lack of support and cheater infestation it has become
because that is not up to the community but up to Crytek that doesnt support it's own game.

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