I get what you mean.. WHEN it so seldomly happens that I get attacked, then they seriously go in to a slaughter frenzy of power attacks. My bow is just so overpowered that one shot with a steel arrow without poison usually does the trick.
I'm still starting out, lvl 10. So I don't have all the perks so I don't have the awesome bow abilities. I also don't waste my time buying arrows. I steal them off of the many archer enemies I fight sometimes. I have like over 100 arrows all from taking off of corpses. lol.
I can deal with the people with regular swords. It's the greatsword Orc and Nord users who are just regular low level characters who go into this power attack frenzy with an already heavy hard hitting weapon. Worse is sometimes I get caught unto textures, since I don't have the stealth roll yet, I have to back up. It's shoot, back away, shoot, back away. But then a boulder gets in my way or I get clipped on a texture it's all over when a greatsword or warhammer guy decides to go for a secondary power hit.
Or I am fighting in to narrow of corridors and nowhere for me to take advantage of height or range.
I think I may just need to grab a sword.