I'm doing the Companion's Quest "Trouble in Skyrim" but I already cleared out Rannveig's Fast and Sild the Warlock is already dead.
When I go there again he is dead, but the quest icon still hovers over his head.
What do?
EDIT: I played around with the resurrect command, which works great - on everyone but this Sild. It seems like left clicking his dead body is not giving me the correct NPC code, but the resurrect command refuses to work with it. The NPC code that appears on the screen gets an invalid object ID error.
EDIT: It seems like the object ID I am being given is the ID for the ground/floor or something. It's like his body is there but the data isn't.
SOLUTION: I figured out a solution. I went back to a previous save where he was still alive, and used that to check his NPC code. When I went back to load my current save, and I looked at his body, his correct NPC code was shown, and the resurrect code worked.