Post your crysis 2 glitches bugs and issues here.

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:57 pm

So, after talking to ea live chat many times they have said there arent enough bugs to do a patch and that there should somehow be a work around to these bugs without having to make a new patch so im thinking if we gather up all issues and make a list big enough it might persuade em? :)


Post a comment and i will add it to the list.

EDIT: / Sigh, i tried to help by keeping all issues in one post but if no one wants to respond then fine, but stop biching about bugs and stuff because its all spread around the forum, one reason i wanted to keep it in this post, so that the admins can see.

Like i said, ive tried to help the situation even if its only by a lil bit, and if you dont want to then stop biching ( to those of you who are )
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Julie Ann
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