The map/ fast travel/ questing

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:56 pm

I fast travel a lot and I feel like there could be some improvements made.

1.) If you have a active quest, when you open the map it should be centered on that location. Rooming the map is annoying..

2.) Most people have more than 1 quest going at a time and its a little hard to see on the map because the icon is white...just like found locations. I find myself moving the map around so I can tell quest from locations. Perhaps quest should be gold or yellow ( unless this affects canon of course).

3.) Fast traveling to a locations should have a few options to cut down on loading time. Lets say you want to go to a town but you actually want to go to a house just outside the town, with this option you could pick inside town or out side town, maybe even access specific places within a town like a Inn, this would cut down on hitting a load screen twice (travel, opening a door).

4.) I feel like the last game kept track of entire NPC conversation..I could be wrong.. I feel like having the entire transcript of conversation would help especially if you get side tracked and forget key information. I know there is info located on the quest page but it is brief and doesn't have all of the info.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:33 pm

It's kind of silly to center on an active quest, since you can have multiple. What, does it just average their locations? You do know that you can select the quest from the journal and have it pull up the target location that way, right?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:15 pm

Regarding item 1, when you highlight a specific quest in your journal there is a button you can push that says "Show Location on Map" or something to that effect. On Xbox 360 it is button X and it centers your screen on the quest location. So if it is an already known location, it should be quite obvious and if it is a location you have not yet discovered, at least you know what area you need to go to.

Regarding item 4, I agree. My preference is to do the quest without assistance from the quest markers, but sometimes I forget exactly what I am supposed to do or who I am supposed to see next, so maintaining a better record of the instructions would be a huge help.
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