1.) If you have a active quest, when you open the map it should be centered on that location. Rooming the map is annoying..
2.) Most people have more than 1 quest going at a time and its a little hard to see on the map because the icon is white...just like found locations. I find myself moving the map around so I can tell quest from locations. Perhaps quest should be gold or yellow ( unless this affects canon of course).
3.) Fast traveling to a locations should have a few options to cut down on loading time. Lets say you want to go to a town but you actually want to go to a house just outside the town, with this option you could pick inside town or out side town, maybe even access specific places within a town like a Inn, this would cut down on hitting a load screen twice (travel, opening a door).
4.) I feel like the last game kept track of entire NPC conversation..I could be wrong.. I feel like having the entire transcript of conversation would help especially if you get side tracked and forget key information. I know there is info located on the quest page but it is brief and doesn't have all of the info.