» Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:55 am
Bullet efficiency 300%?
Ok sir, I'm never gonna play against you xP
I don't have best shots... but this is close one: on wallstreet I was sniping from that bus, and in last few seconds of the match I quick-scoped and headshoted a guy far on other side of the map for final kill... he accused me for having aimbot.
PS. ok I remembered my best shot (better than that one before): on Sanctuary I was sniping with dsg+reflex, jumped over the wall next to the road and saw one guy running along one of those 2 ways in church... while I was in the air I shot and it happened to be a headshot... he was accusing me for aimboting few matches after so I had to quit (JaredzzC can confirm, if he remembers xD). After that match I became member of mtfckn RaGE! B)
Ok, nothing spectacular, but it's kinda one of highlighted moments in C2 xP