Main specs:
i5-2500 @ 3.7GHz
Liquid Cooling
Radeon 6770
I was getting 30-35fps maybe dips to 40fps on 1280x720 and i was thinking wtf ? how do i get that fps for that system? did i waste my money?
Then ea helped me and we did a few things, after that i was acheiving an average of 75fps and it went to as high as 120-130fps at 1280x720

Mind this is still only dx9, lowest settings. Because i dont think my card will handle dx11 very well even though it supports it.
BTW, my original RES is 1600x900 but i was getting 25fps when i had the problem so thats why i went down to 1280x720.
yer he is trolling, cos it would be impossible to gain any performance increase by disabling other cores.