Okay my character is a Heavy Armor/Two Handed with bow and sneak around 40. Level 17 with 230 health and something like 140 Stamina. Exquisite Steel Armor and Superior Falmer Bow. No enchantments. A few poisons and potions. Basically what I think you might get without exploiting. Lydia with similar armor and weapons (though she is one handed and a shield).
Hearing all this "stuff" about how easy Master was I just bumped my character up to Master from Expert.
And I am I just have to say all this "stuff" about Master being easy appears to be complete and utter nonsense!
I just went into a dungeon with a Fire Mage and an Apprentice Storm Mage. The Fire Mage alone will kill my character in a matter of a couple of seconds. The only way I could make a dent in them is to hide in a corner let them beat up on Lydia (I felt like a jerk for that) and then shoot them in the back with a poisoned arrow as they are walking away (up to a ledge I where I can't shoot them). Lydia then gets better and they come out beat her up, and walk away. Then I shoot keep hiding and repeat. And just hope they don't see my character, because if they do then my character is dead in about two seconds. So I just hope they continue unrealistically and inexplicably ignore Lydia once her health gets low. So after about 45 minutes of abusing Lydia in that way, which then constantly leaving her alive for no apparent reason, I was still not able to kill them. I got the Fire mage down to about half health but that was all. Maybe in about three hours of doing the exact same thing I might be able to kill them if I'm lucky and reload enough. Is that supposed to be fun?
Even if someone where twice as skilled as me I can't see how they could defeat them in any reasonable way.
So again, from my own personal experience all this talk about Master being super easy even without using in game features like smithing and alchemy seems to me to be complete nonsense. And smithing doesn't help one little bit in this case.
I can't think of any tactic that could have worked here, aside from the hide in a corner, let them abuse my housecarl, and just continually snipe at them for over an hour and if they see me reload. How is that fun?
The only way Master can be easy it seems to me, is if you only fight skeevers, mudcrabs and weak bandits until you get to very high levels.
But I could be missing something. If I am please let me know, otherwise I can't believe anyone would find Master easy or fun at level 17.