Ok so a here I am level 23 walking around Riverwood complaining about not seeing a dragon since the first encounter at the watch tower(15 hours of gameplay). And then out of nowhere I hear a dragon shout. I thought I was imagining it at first but then the people of Riverwood were crying out for the dragon. So I looked up and there it was. My first random dragon. I killed it and just when I started celebrating I hear another dragon. Again I think I am imagining it. There's no way I'm about to get two dragon souls in a row. But sure enough the people of Riverwood cry for the dragon and I killed that one too. And to top it off only 4 guards died. The whole village would of died if I didn't fight it at night. Has anyone ever fought two dragons in a row? And if so how frequently does it happen.
While I was playing over the last few days, there were two instances where I was fighting two dragons at once. The first time they were hard because I was in an area that was too open; but the second time I was on the side of a mountain and they kept getting in each others way and did most of the work for me
Same here.But in my case,i was on a mountain fighiting the pyshics laws,when a random Blood dragon showed up.I killed him,than i advanced to a dragon shrine ,and there was another blood dragon :/
Multiple dragons has been pretty common for me. There was one point I was fighting two in a heavily forested area and there was no space for then to land. As I moved towards open space I stumbled upon a third dragon fighting a giant. Needless to say that encounter ended with a load screen
Multiple dragons has been pretty common for me. There was one point I was fighting two in a heavily forested area and there was no space for then to land. As I moved towards open space I stumbled upon a third dragon fighting a giant. Needless to say that encounter ended with a load screen
Lol, does anyone know if they fight each other or do they gang you?
Happened to me last night in Falkreath. A frost dragon and a normal one. Thank goodness it was at night as my character and my follower are both vampires. Yes the town guards and a few others certainly helped.
My first non-quest dragon encounter was two dragons at the same time... I didn't think that was rare until i came to the forums, i've never had it happen again after that though.
I have had several 2 at a time dragon moments across my many characters (especially my main). One simply isn't enough to satisfy me.
The most I have ever had was 3.
Running and didn't notice one near by over head while I could see one off in the distance, engaged the one. Second Dragon landed, after a minute or two apparently a blood dragon decided to show up.
I had 3 at the College of Winterhold one time. All of the residents were out milling about. Total bloodbath. Dragons have never tried to roost there since.