Gotta get amulet of mara in Riften. Just be sure to watch for cheaters, camilla is not the only one ive heard of
I remember a guy who tried to find a loyal one.
She is so understanding, but being a priestess of dibella I'm sure she has massive orgy's with all the shopkeepers in Riften when I'm not home.
So sad that she couldn't overcome her racism.
You know it isn't surprising. You married her and took her off to the big city. But then what? You're gone, sometimes days at a time. Poor woman, never knows if that wave as you're walking out the door will be the last time she ever sees you again. She can barely keep her mind on the store at all. And then there's Lydia. Ever so eager Lydia, always hoping to run off with you into the woods to "fight dragons."
Of course, then she starts thinking that 24-hours wasn't a long courtship at all. Maybe she should've learned your last name. Maybe she's tired of seeing you stuff that cupboard by the door full of dragon bones before even saying hello. All she knows is that life in Whiterun isn't what she thought. She feels all alone. And then Faendal shows up. Good old, Faennie walked all the way to Whiterun just to visit. That's not an easy trip. It takes a few minutes. Sure enough, he's got hot apple pie and a bouquet of purple and red mountain flowers. And better yet, he's ready to just sit down and listen. Maybe his hands start to wander. Maybe she doesn't stop him this time since you're likely being eaten by Falmer's in a cave somewhere.
OMG, i'll be earlier at home, i promise.
Oh, man... this thread just gets better and better...