Question: Elder Dragons and Finishers

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:31 pm

My first question is Elder Dragons. I am currently playing a Level 35 and I have not yet encountered any Elder or Ancient Dragons. Does anyone know there is something that triggers Elder Dragons? Like completing a certain part of the main questline? I haven't infiltrated the Thalmor Embassy yet. Also, my other question pertains to performing 'finishing moves' or 'execution animations' on dragons. I've only performed One-Handed ones before. I've seen the Two-Handed ones on youtube, and they look really badass! Thing is, I haven't performed any. Does anyone know if there is something you have to do that will allow you to, or make it more likely for you to perform a finishing move an a Dragon with Two-Handed weapons? I know that if you use the first word of Unrelenting Force on a weak enough opponent and strike immediatley after you are very likely to perform an execution animation.

P.S. I would appreciate it if someone could explain this. Yesterday on my character my Two-Handed dropped from 82 to 25, it is highlighted in red. This isn't just on the menu, though. My Ebony Greatsword now does 80 instead of 100 damage. I checked my active effects and I don't have any negative ones. I took off all my clothes and waited a whole in-game week. Still no change. Is there a reason why this occured and is there anyway to fix it, or did I waste 45 hours of gameplay for nothing?
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:26 pm

Can someone please answer this?
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Kieren Thomson
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Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:28 am

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