One of the novel adaptations of TES
The Infernal City.
Here's the quote from the book.
Spoiler "Martin and the Empire didn't beat [Dagon] in Black Marsh, the An-Xileel did. When the gates opened, Argonians poured into Oblivion with such fury and might, Dagon's lieutenants had to close them." -Mere-Glim (an Argonian)
Argonia, #$%* YEAH! Best race in TES.
Argonians do well in almost any role, especially so in Skyrim where the differences between races aren't very pronounced. In a way, they're the most suited to the strength of TES games because you can spontaneously begin underwater exploration without preparation. Other races need to cast a spell, drink a potion, or bring along a waterbreathing enchanted item (which usually isn't left equipped). Extremely convenient!