Motivations of the NCR

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:48 am

Manifest Destiny.

It's the same reason the United States spread from wherever the hell Columbus landed to the other side of the country.

Columbus found the Americas, but had nothing to do with the United States.

The British sent colonists here, Puritans that were in search of religious freedom. After so long the colonists rebelled, and a war with the might of the British war machine ensued.

The colonists used tactics that were not gentlemanly for the time, because the British slapped them in 60yd stacked line formation musket fights.

After so long the French came and trained many of the colonists up to fight in a more gentlemanly manner (brutal 60 yard musket vollies)

I think the British just got sick of it and left. The colonists were getting better at stacked line formation musket battles, but they continued the other tactics as well.

I think Columbus sailed for Spain, and they laid claim to South America.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:08 am

Interesting to see what, in my mind, is the exact thing that would happen if someone tried diplomatic negotiations between NCR and the Legion... minus the brush gun or thermic lance shoved in someones face, anyway.

Personally, politics be damned, Caesar may be intelligent and well-spoken but when he dies... well, Legate Lanius, force for safety and security across the Mojave, Arizona, and wherever else they decide to 'Secure for the Glory of Caesar and the Legion'...
I think not. and grey hair, plus near-death experience just during Mojave campaign?

this being just my opinion of course... but like or loathe Kimball, he's not going to die when he's a good mile or two from the actual battle. nah, he'll land by vertibird a few hundred Metres from the battle and a sniper will shoot him on principle., whether you like or loathe the idea, I'd rather live in a desolate wasteland or a Mostly peaceful NCR territory... I want to have something to shoot at.

of course, doesn't hurt seeing the legion use the one... *ahem* Visible female at the Fort as a pack brahmin, after meeting President Tandi in the past, having a female Courier, and Veronica as a long-time companion before i went sniper, well.
Caesar might plan to treat the Courier differently, but I'd guess from Legate to Recruit the rest of the Legion won't understand enough to listen if/when he's out of the picture.

Pretty much, real life or in-game, there's nothing appealing to me about the Legion. Which is why I shoot them at every opportunity.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:43 am

Their there for the Mojaves wealth and supplies, their interest in the people is minimal, they are just tools to the NCR, pawns for the NCR to hide behind.
NCR camefor the land, wealth, supplies and electricity.....THIEFS
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:14 am

The NCR is a complex character, like all factions in FNV, and is neither wholly good nor evil. That being said, I'd say that the occupation of the Mojave was the right thing, started for the wrong reasons.

It was right because it stopped Caesar's Legion, and the NCR beat the crap out of raiders like the Vipers, Jackals, and Khans.

It was for the wrong reasons because Kimball and Oliver did it to get their names in the history books.

It's being lost because Oliver and Kimball have no sense of strategy. It's made very clear that they could, very easily, destroy the Fiends, and push the Legion out of Nelson and Cottonwood Cove. But Oliver wants to destroy the Legion and Fiends at one huge battle, so he can take credit, rather than do the smart thing and use the Legion and Fiend's attrition tactics against them.

I destroyed the Khans in Fallout, Fallout 2, and in Fallout: New Vegas. Hopefully, by Fallout 4, they'll be all dead.

Also, the NCR mercs in Jacobstown were sent there by 1 Senator. To say that is the will of the NCR is like saying that it is the will of the United States to have gay six in bathroom stalls, because one Senator did it.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:06 am

A little of both, the NCR troopers and rangers want to protect the people, but the higher in rank you go, the more they seem like mob boss's.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:22 am

The Roman Empire might be older, but it certainly stood the test of time... can't say the same for America or democracy in general. And when I say hollow, I mean that by how the NCR is rebuilding society on the rotting corpse of the new world. While the legion is building a foundation that will stand the test of time while being self-sufficient. I shouldn't have to remind you that they are still a work in progress.

A reason why Caesar chooses to emulate the Roman Empire is because of how different it is compared to anything people have seen.

Democracy fell because there were too many people and too little resources, CL is following Einstiens qoute "I know WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones". The Roman empire fell due to corruption, inefficiency and spreading itself thin, the latter is what Caesar is doing if he keeps on the war path. How do you think the world will be like if CL wages war across it?

As for a secure foundation, bull, Caesar designed the Legion around himself, without him it falls apart. He's an egomaniac and his society shows that. He has no choosen heirs, Lanius just takes over, but he is not as tatical as Caesar, he's too direct, look at how he handled the Boomers.

And work in progress my ass, NCR, House and even Yes-man's societies are works in progress, it's because of fools like the Legion that they cannot advance their societies.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:31 am

Aloke, you are getting dangerously close in post #90 to saying the United States is stealing oil from the middle east. Don t do that.....

It will cause a political type argument which is not welcome on these forms. If you want to talk United States stealing oil, feel free to pm me. I ll give you a little history lesson......

Yes how dare he. He forgot how George Bush drafted the plans for Organized Iraqi Liberation, also known as OIL. :teehee:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:39 pm

Yeah, I think I d take Caeser over Hitler. Now Stalin and Caeser are about tied in my book. Stalin had success in defending Russia.

Caeser is more in touch with reality than Hitler was.
Hitler got so out of touch with the reality of things that you couldn t base a fictional character on him, because no one would believe it.
A lot of his military leaders said attacking Russia would be a bad move, but Hitler ordered it anyway. They were already taking on the French resistance, and the British on on multiple fronts. Other countries had resistance fighters Germany did not have fully under control as well, and the United States was getting closer and closer to getting involved. He lead his army into a mass slaughter in a war that they were winning. They took a lot of men with them, but a mass slaughter none the less.

Ceaser at least seems to respect the NCRs capabilities.

I was talking about pre-Parkinsins Diesease Hitler. If you were German or white enough in his eyes his society was rather nice for you.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:01 pm


I want you take a pen, now insert that pen inbetween the gap between your ring finger and middle finger, I now want you to squeeze the pen with those fingers as hard as you can. You probably guessed that this hurts, well that's your punishment for giving no justifications and dismissing a persons arguement like a true CL fan.

Anyways, I used pre 1950's examples, Fallout history is ours up until that point. At that point instead of investing in electricity to power our world we choose nuclear power. :nerd:
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:05 am

Poor guy. Got all hopped up on self-righteousness that you started comparing the real, modern world and it's morals to a fictional world, with it's own set of rules and moral code. It's a pretty common problem around here so I won't hold it against you. :wink_smile:

What is it with CL having the most pretintious fans? You can compare Fallout to the modern world until roughly the 1950's, that's when they choose nuclear power over electricity. But nuclear power doesn't mean they don't have the same morals, safety standards sure, but morals would not be affected.

If you want an ingame example, everyone who is not an Omerta/Legionare/Khan/Backward tribe sees CL as no more than a band of stupidly dressed murderers. The morals of the Legion are in the minority to the Mojave and the west. The Western Fallout world has few who practice slavery, no cruel punishments and don't have a crazy idealogy. Few do, most don't. The Legion are barbarians in practically everyone's eyes.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:28 pm

Every one knows we are not a democracy right?Sheesh.

I dont know,the legion and ncr throw thier weight around, and take advantage/exploit the people, one useing a more blunt form of slavery, the other using a more sophisticated,stealthy form.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:14 pm

Pretty much what everybody has already said. The NCR are driven by human greed, plain and simple. 'Course in a world where it's eat or be eaten I really can't say it's the wrong move. They did expand way too fast though which is also indicative of their hunger for land/power.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:16 am

okay we all know the NCR is drawing it's power from the Star Forge. it's not really any big secret. take out Malak, and you've hindered the Republic greatly.
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