The Reason why i ask this is becuase in my oppinion the DB inniates are by far the most interesting followers in the game. Maybe they do not have a quest dedicated to them and no thier dialouge between them to you is sparse. But thats the same with every other follower once the favour quest has become completed. When thier fighting for me they seem to show a higher willingness to put themselves in danger for my benifit compared to other followers ive had (yes even the charging crazy person lydia), plus it would be something to hear about how they got into this life of murder. A possible sidequest to follow up like a betrayl of a friend ect.
So even though it has a low chance to be implented i do think it would be a great add on. But for starters if they had a actual name instead of just inniate you would be able to connect a bit more than just seeing that as extra luggage space
