Skyrim Graphics Sweet Spot

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:57 am

that 450 paired with your i7 will probably run it pretty damn well honestly; I mean look at the huge differences; twice texture fill rate, double the memory bandwith, DDR3 vs DDR5 for the 450. The 450 is an actually graphics card, the 530 is just so you can watch movies or something lol. just compare the videocards size, i bet the 450 is a lot bigger then the 530.

Personally I get average 50-60 fps (lowest with fraps fps test was 45) with just a 945 deneb 3ghz and gtx 460. I have FXAA on, 4x AF, 0 MSAA 1920x1080 resolution, Ultra setting, and all details an LOD maxed out.

So a 560 will max the crap out of this game, any ati guys want to chime in what they use to max it out?

Note by max I mean AF 4-8x, FXAA on, every setting on ultra, or farthest setting for details, and MSAA either off or 4x on 1080p.

I really see NO REASON to have 1080p, 16 AA when I can't even see a [censored] jaggy with 1080 P and just FXAA on with 2x MSAA.

Really? The lowest fps you got is 45?
I'm using 590 and i7 2600 and the fps will still drop to as low as 30 in some scenes. And I can seldom get more than 50 fps.

Is there something wrong with my computer? :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:21 am

Sounds like a videocard bottleneck, as stated before by someone.

I have a system similar to the one you have (Win7 64 bit, 12GB ram, i7 920 (2.6ghz, even lower than yours)) and I can play this game without any problems at 1920x1080. My card is an ATI 5850, which is even somewhat lower than the 5870, which even being a good card, is "old". I run Ultra quality with all options at max, and even a couple INI tweaks to increase quality (tree shadows, etc.).

If I were in your situation, and with that nice PC setup, I would simply upgrade the card to something around 200-250$, after checking some review sites, benchmark results, etc, of course.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:05 pm

Really? The lowest fps you got is 45?
I'm using 590 and i7 2600 and the fps will still drop to as low as 30 in some scenes. And I can seldom get more than 50 fps.

Is there something wrong with my computer? :sadvaultboy:

I have an almost identical computer, but I have overclocked my CPU to around 4.42 GHz (on demand during heavy load) and I have a lesser (but still very good) Graphics card: GTX580.

My frame rates sit between 60 and 45 most of the time, and wierdly, only see ~30fps on loading screens.

I have my settings on "Ultra" and I have a few mods that increase in-game textures.

I would suggest that there is something wrong with the settings on your computer if you aren't matching my performance with your much chunkier Graphics card.... drivers? game settings? OS settings? corrupted .ini files?

Good luck.
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