Unofficial Improve List

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:23 am

Skyrim is a wonderful game, been waiting to play such a game during my life time. In the long run Skyrim is far better than any other RPG game. In the short run, it's annoying but it's nothing you can deal with because the game is build in a certain way and you have to accept it.

Now I we all know that Bethesta Software Studios said that they will make "huge DLCs", I am all up for improvement and big content. Renewing the game in small matters can make the game go for new hights and to make it feel better, in my opinion:

  • Companion riding a horse
  • Dialog with your companion so it feels more human, all I mean is like it looks like some companions doesn't seem to like that you pickpocket or steal from other people when you break in so obviously companions have certain opinions.
  • If you give a companion money (depends on how the companion is as a person), the companion should be able to give money to the poor/the needed. That should grant you the blessing if you watch her/him doing it.
  • After having a better 'relationship' with a companion you should gain better commands or quick command on what the companion should do. They should also talk different, sometimes I feel like my companion will leave if I always try to trade with her. She sighs too often.
  • If a horse like you enough or is trained to reconize you, you should be able to whistle for the horse if you are nearby. You should also be able to 'tell' the horse to get a way, somewhere in the options menu there should be added that before battles you sign to the horse to go away, same with dogs.
  • You should be able to feed your pets/companions so they gain strength with potions.
  • Should be able to sparring with your companion and even with some pets. Train yourself and your companion with arrow practising. It doesn't level up your skill but it does improve your skill to aim (not the in game character). Basically it's useless but it's a thing that could just improve the reality for the game.
  • Tell the companion/pets to go to the nearest town (or the latest town) to wait for you. So when you go look for them (when you don't find your companion/pets) you should be able to ask for them by the towns people.
  • Should be able to witness a bandit raid.

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