I just went back to Novac today and there are two big red triangles with white circles in the middle of them, one by Ranger Andys house and one by the hotel, has anyone else seen this before?
Yeah, I have. You must have downloaded a mod and the meshes/textures aren't showing properly, so they appear as that. What mods do have? Maybe you put them in ze wrong folder.
Yeah, I have. You must have downloaded a mod and the meshes/textures aren't showing properly, so they appear as that. What mods do have? Maybe you put them in ze wrong folder.
The side of Ranger Andys home is blue where the bricks have came off, anyone seen that before? And i've only just realised Novac is named after the broken neon sign behind the dinosaur "No Vac...." :whistling:
When I was in Novac all the house's and the hotel walls were gone. Like totally transparent or translucent.. I could only see the doors. When I entered one of the doors the inside was fine. I could walk right through the hotel and houses.