Skyrim VS The Elder Scrolls

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:14 pm

I say bring all of Morrowind back. was pretty bummed to hear it was destroyed and that’s the direction the plot is going. Real-time Gameplay is amazing, but plot… err you are losing me. Also losing me with the choices and play the game how you want to concept. Less items and factions each game after morrowind it feels like. What happen to vampire clans. Why cant I join the forsworn, and arnt we at a point where the game has the potential to evolve beyond a 100% hostile unnamed humanoid npc. What is the point of speechcraft anyways. if I walk up to a forsworn dressed as a forsworn don’t even get the chance for dialogue.. Skyrim is easily the most amazing game, but not the most amazing Elder Scrolls if that makes sense. alot of potential yall didnt really live up to, notably more options better plot.

Why cant I choose who I marry. I mean in depth, like assassinate and widow their partner if they are married, presuming I dont get caught in the act, earn their affection and help them through this hard time and eventually marry the widow.

Why cant I choose my domicile. If i roll in and take over an outpost, camp, settlement or fort why cant I choose an option to setup shop. Then determine what type. If I am in the legion why cant I send word this fort might be of use and have the chance reply of soldiers then being assigned to the garrison. OR why cant I hire or use speechcraft with a couple bandits to have them setup and guard. then their be a chance some other sect attempts to take or take back the fort i claimed or the bandits decide im not doing them right and turn on me. Thats a dynamic world. not one where occasionally you run into a few bandits arbitrarily walking a road with no goal.

Plot is a downer as a whole. So much potentially wasted. “Epic Fantasy Reborn

Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.”

na. bold claim. Done and bored with this game already, long before I was with Morrowind and Oblivion. alot of things id like to do or see or join/participate with in game, but cant

A couple main quests in a couple factions and then youre at the point where you are just hitting stuff. gets boring quick. No replay value for me in comparison to your previous games. seems like yall did alot to appeal to a larger crowd, and did. But at the cost of many of the aspects and reasons Morrowind and Oblivion meant what they did to me. No your Skyrim world is not alive and trust me, less to do than in the previous games. Im completely finished with the game already, nothing worth doing. I could go back to morrowind and find things I still havnt done in that game.

Morrowind with skyrim graphics, fighting mechanics, dialogue and perhaps a couple updated oblivion/skyrim features. mmm. Oh hey, thanks for killing off Morrowind by the way and killing the ambiguity we all had for the Nerevarine and Champion of Cyrodiil, along with many other things in the world.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:43 am

Yeah cause Morrowind was so much better with the incessant cliff racer attacks and all... :ahhh:
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:33 am

Morrowind with skyrim graphics, fighting mechanics, dialogue and perhaps a couple updated oblivion/skyrim features. mmm. Oh hey, thanks for killing off Morrowind by the way and killing the ambiguity we all had for the Nerevarine and Champion of Cyrodiil, along with many other things in the world.

Morrowind has better fighting mechanics (Skyrim just has better animations) and dialogue.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:55 am

Morrowind was great, and still is. I wish the games were more like it too.

I still suffer from PTCRD though.

Post Traumatic Cliff Racer Disorder.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:09 am

Also for the billionth time Morrowind was not destroyed, only Vvardenfell where the game took place. The mainland of the province still exists. JUST FYI People.... :)
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:09 am

Skyrim is better than all

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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:52 am

It all comes down to people can't get enough Dark Elves no matter which fantasy world.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:10 am

Morrowind has better fighting mechanics (Skyrim just has better animations) and dialogue.

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Nicholas C
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:40 am

Morrowind has better fighting mechanics (Skyrim just has better animations) and dialogue.

I really dont see how diceroll attacks and automatic blocking is better than skyrim's mechanics which has dual wielding and dragon shouts
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:14 am

In Morrowind, you un-deified the deity that had been holding the Ministry of Truth in place. How does it not make sense for it to fall again (after a complicated series of attempts to hold it in place with a Ghostgate-like force field), bearing in mind that its original purpose was to crash into Vivec and destroy Vvardenfell?

By the way, how was all the ambiguity for the Nerevarine "killed"? All that we know of him/her is that he/she didn't kill Vivec, and then went to Akavir at some point. That's pretty ambiguous to me. I'm also not so attached to my CoC that I'd get butthurt because it turns out that he canonically wasn't the Arena Champion, maybe that's just me though.

Of course, since you found Oblivion's 7 planes of Oblivion and 60 Oblivion Gates more interesting than any part of Skyrim, and you apparently don't know what role-playing means ("I joined all the factions with one character, why would I bother making a new character when I already did every single quest with my first character?"), you liking Skyrim was pretty much a lost cause.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:34 pm

I really dont see how diceroll attacks and automatic blocking is better than skyrim's mechanics which has dual wielding and dragon shouts

And changing between weapons and magic was really bad :/

Role-playing in this game is really fun btw
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Roy Harris
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:32 am

I really dont see how diceroll attacks and automatic blocking is better than skyrim's mechanics which has dual wielding and dragon shouts

I'll begin the explanation:

"It's not nostalgia and..." - No really, It's not.

As much as I liked morrowind, I love skyrim. Also, the combat mechanic in MW is even worse than Dagerfall's, probably one of the worse I've seen in a game.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:29 am

I really dont see how diceroll attacks and automatic blocking is better than skyrim's mechanics which has dual wielding and dragon shouts

An RPG is supposed to be about the characters and their abilities, not you the player, and your skill. Morrowind's combat system is far more appropriate for an RPG, while Skyrim's combat is more appropriate for an action game.

In an RPG, it actually makes sense for there to be a chance your character might miss their target, depending on the character's abilities and the abilities of the target they're attempting to hit. I think the main thing that confused people in Morrowind was there was no real dodge / miss animation.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:02 am

You know, it just occured to me, where I live, products are not allowed to be advertised the way they are in America.

You can't just spout whatever drivel you want about the product and not be penalised by the Advertising Standards Authority.

I see myself causing [censored] for those games that really infuriate me in future. :obliviongate:

(Bethesda, you're safe. Skyrim is pretty good.)
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emily grieve
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:46 am

Skyrim is a step up from Oblivion, but yeah. I miss Morrowind 2 :(, there is no way they will give us that much content again anytime soon. I personally blame the need for voice acting, I think if that wasn’t such a big requirement we would get more content, but maybe I am just delusional.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:43 am

An RPG is supposed to be about the characters and their abilities, not you the player, and your skill. Morrowind's combat system is far more appropriate for an RPG, while Skyrim's combat is more appropriate for an action game.

In an RPG, it actually makes sense for there to be a chance your character might miss their target, depending on the character's abilities and the abilities of the target they're attempting to hit. I think the main thing that confused people in Morrowind was there was no real dodge / miss animation.

To me the main feature of TES game is immersion. Morrowind as a first approach to teh series did wonderfully in cities and as an open world. Dungeons were absolute crap, and combat felt as personal as watching someone else play. I assure you, 99.9% of gamers found Morrowind's combat rather stupid, not even the die-hard fans are willing to favor It over Skyrim's or Oblivion's, with maybe a small exception for the magic system I can't completely agree with.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:49 am

To me the main feature of TES game is immersion. Morrowind as a first approach to teh series did wonderfully in cities and as an open world. Dungeons were absolute crap, and combat felt as personal as watching someone else play. I assure you, 99.9% of gamers found Morrowind's combat rather stupid, not even the die-hard fans are willing to favor It over Skyrim's or Oblivion's, with maybe a small exception for the magic system I can't completely agree with.

Again, I think the real issue was the poor animations... not so much the mechanics.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:15 am

Again, I think the real issue was the poor animations... not so much the mechanics.

I swear the [censored]tiness of Morrowind's combat is overstated. I think people just didn't "get" how it worked. There were true stats behind it. You svck with swords? Chances are you'll have trouble hitting your opponent and dealing damage. You svck with swords in Skyrim? You'll still manage to swing claymores into anyone's faces, except they'll only get scratches... Somehow I think not seeing your character missing the enemy, or the enemy evading the attack makes more sense than dealing 30 claymore hits in a bandit's face without him dying. But I guess it's just me. Then, there was a couple of unwritten rules in Morrowind which should have been obvious. Don't use daggers if you were meant to svck at using them. Ie. don't use daggers if they're not at least minor skills. And usually, the clever thing to do was choosing attributes which governed the skills you wanted to use most. And choosing at least one weapon type as a major skill with a governed attribute which you had. Then you put all the chances to your side so you wouldn't need to miss that mudcrab 20 times in a row. And it was even better if you chose a weapon which is one your race is particularly good at. But you know, if your dagger skill is 20, you're stupid for trying to kill anything with a dagger. If you wanted to try another weapon type which was a minor skill, you could always use training to boost it up to more acceptable levels. You know, even if I was what, 12-13 y-o when I first played Morrowind, I never had any problem with the combat. You just have to take the time to understand a few crucial things. And it's true, if there was a problem, it was the animations.
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