Alvor is dead in my game too, roasted by dragons along with many other NPCs. I hope they develop some way to fill lost NPC slots or eventually only essential NPCs will remain!
Anyway, I've had a few weird glitches, some annoying, some funny (like the giants that sent me into orbit) - but the best and most amusing glitch happened a few hours ago as I was travelling up the main towers in Wolfskull Cave. A mage got the drop on me as I was fighting a Draugh and I went face down in the dirt. This was bad news since I hadn't saved in ages and autosaves are disabled. So I waited for the last save to load, watching the mage resurrect some dead pawn during the last few seconds of activity after my demise, except it didn't load and instead switched to something else. At first I couldn't figure out what was going on given my HUD is disabled. Then I realized the pawn the mage had resurrected was ME, lol. And he was still battering me, so I fragged him...I thought I might disappear after 60 seconds, but nope, everything continued as normal?!
I had to laugh. What a noob.
So technically I'm now the undead pet of a deceased necromancer, a somewhat disturbing thought to say the least