No way! The whole fun is getting strong enough to get the perks. If you start out with everything , whats the sense of playing?
Why on earth would you think that? Combat on low levels tends to be more fun in fact. That's due to the fact that you can (or rather have to) use all your abilities and you can get closer to enemies. I find that on higher levels I can't get any enemy near me unless their health is already very low, but that's probably just my character, since I've created a light armoured dps.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't find a way to make the combat enjoyable until I'm fairly high level and can mess around with more powerful spells and perks. And getting high level magic skills is trivial anyway, just tedious. Problem is, other skills level much slower or involve a painful grind, so you have to kind of manage your progress along the all just ends up a micro managing process that feels pointless since the combat is a joke regardless.
I play an archer/mage sort of character, can't stand the game's melee at all.