» Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:05 am
There are a number of robe designs featuring five or six different colors, two or three shoulder and hood configurations, and several different patterns. Problem is, those are all part of the "Novice/Apprentice/Adept/Expert/Master Robes of [School]" line. The only non-enchanted robes (as far as I know) are Black, Blue, Ragged, and College... those don't come with hoods, and there seems to be only one non-enchanted Mage Hood clothing item. The Hooded Monk Robes come pre-gimped, since you can't wear headgear with them.
What we need are non-enchanted versions of each of those robes, sans hoods, with non-enchanted versions of the hoods offered as separate clothing items. This is why I don't buy Bethesda games for consoles. Bethesda makes really annoying design decisions, and only modders can "fix" those decisions. There will also be tons of new robes added by modders.
All the cool hoods come ONLY pre-attached to the pre-enchanted "[School]" robes. It's [censored] dumb.
What I'd like to see are hooded robes that count as clothing only for the body, and allow you to wear a circlet. That makes a ton of sense, which makes me wonder how much time Bethesda actually spent thinking about this issue. Probably not much.