When I first inserted the disk into my Xbox 360, the very first scene made my laugh. I was trying to figure out what my reincarnated character did this time. Looking around I saw the mountains and how imposing they were, and was wondering what caves, ruins or lost communities lived up there. The opening was nicely down, your are about to meet your fate, before the divines smiled upon you and you are free.
The first community you come to, the villagers feel as if they have a purpose with the introduction of kids made the place feel like a village and not a pixelated block of them standing around doing nothing. After playing the game for 100+ hours many toons deleted, or glitches I noticed a few things.
NPC Guards
How do they guards know I am a thief or part of the dark brotherhood. I haven't been caught yet, and all my kills are in the targets house, but yet everybody knows I am a thief or part of the dark brotherhood. If I was caught in the process of killing a target or stealing something then I should be labeled as a criminal, but when I walk around the world and everybody knows, how is something that is supposed to be a secret, ends up that everybody knows.
Town People
The one thing I dislike, is how random towns people just start a conversation with your randomly, some of them I can see randomly talking to you. If you look the type for mercenary work or they are beckoning you to come over to talk to them for whatever reason, or if you do them a favor and they complement you, but I'm trying to start a business or something similar. The simple Hello or Hi, would had suffice then a whole dialogue of randomness.
I noticed many shops do not open at 8 am and some do not close at 8 pm, and many shop keeps do not sleep but sit in their chair. In Whiterun when I was leveling my Blacksmith I would have to add an hour to the waiting for both blacksmiths to get to work. when I was finished maxing my blacksmith the shop did not open until 4 pm and would close at 9 pm.
For once I would love to set a NPC in there place besides being set in my place. Example Maven - When you pick the dialogue box right she tells you she has connections to the Dark Brotherhood, if the PC (Player Character) is in the Dark Brotherhood or has became the listener to the Dark Brotherhood a come back should be in toe, not standing.
"I'm the listener and your cries might get twisted if you go around abusing our name again." or something to that effect.
Adventures (AKA Quests)
I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures in Skyrim. The Dark Brotherhood seemed a little weak and their outfit didn't look appealing compared to the Nighting Gale Outfit. The Civil war was the weakest one. The Battle for Whiterun was the best of them all and the final one, but it seemed weak, it appeared it could have been an entire story of itself or have 2 main story's in the game The Civil War and Dragons returning, along with the civil war, after you beat the rebellion leader or the empire general, people still claim that the war is tearing Skyrim apart, but the general is dead and the forces routed out, so how is the civil war tearing skyrim apart when there is no places under attack from the opposing sides, along with the encampments through out Skyrim. The soldiers that sleep and inhabit those outlining camps should be able to be killed after you win the civil war, to show how you are routing out the enemy forces from skyrim and not fall to one knee, or you "Arrest" the main guy at these camps and sooner or later the rebels or imperials come to take them away to prison at a undisclosed place.
The Dark Brotherhood
It seemed fairly weak compared to oblivion. The introduction was amusing, that you took a mark that was already a mark. The outfit didn't seem to fit, the pure black leather should have been used in my own opinion. The ghost you get from them was a nice treat, but he NEVER shuts up, but I figured if I was dead for that long I would have a lot to say myself.
The Companions
This was a good adventure with a nice twist. No armor or anything but i am displease on how the skyforge doesn't do anything expect function like a regular forge, in all fairness if it's supposed to be the epic forge then it should make all your items you craft up their be some type of Skyforge material. Skyforge Dragonscale Armor or Skyforge Dreada Sword. with increased stats. All in all the companions adventure wasn't disappointing.
The Thieves Guild
One thing that always bothered me is how the guards knew where the thieves hung out but never routed them out. in all fairness the guards don't need to know that the thieves guild lurks in the sewers but should know that they are somewhere in Riften, unless the guards are being paid by Maven (if she becomes a Jarl) to turn a blind eye then it would make sense. The outfit you get is something I would envision a thief wearing though I disagree with the boots It should have a muffle or something to quieten your steps and not pick pocketing. the gloves should have both lock picking and pick pocket. The adventure was great one of my favorites out of the game so far.
The Mage's Guild
I started this but it would be unfair for me to describe something that I have yet to play.
The Dreada
I wasn't disappointed in these at all. I knew what to expect, I just didn't know how to expect it. Some of them made me laugh and some of them made me go "What the..". I wasn't disappointed with these at all.
Here is the one thing that should have been implemented. You get married and settle down. As part of a side quest a small adventure your spouse gets kidnap by slavers and is own her/his way right now to being sold. Which should lead you to a cave to free more slaves and reveal a location of a ruin or a cave that houses majority of slaves to the final location on the road to where your spouse is in a cart being transported and you save the day, rescuing your spouse and several other people.
Dragon Attacks
This was probably the most annoying thing. you didn't know when or where one would attack until it dropped on you. I had 2 attack a city. I had one drop on me during the final fight of the civil war in Windhelm, I had one drop on me during a keep assualt during the civil war, one drop on my during a fight at a dragon perch whilst engage with another dragon, one outside a cave when I came out, but I also have gone an entire game month without seeing one randomly flying around.
The skills when you leveled up where nicely done, expect when trying to go to a certain one it would either skip to another one or go to a entirely different tree, when you was trying to see certain skills. In obilivion bartering was the slowest skill to increase, in here it is alchemy. I bought, stole and gathered all I could and slowly but surely see it moved. My character at the time was level 44 with an alchemy of 19, with I have a barter of 66 from just selling stuff alone.
Blacksmithing - This is a skill I scratch my head at, we can make armor, bows, swords and maces to name a few, but we don't know how to make arrows. when you spend 2 game months going to every Blacksmith in town to gather up Ebony/Dreada arrows is annoying. As a blacksmith in a non-mmorpg we should be able to make arrows. We have miscellaneous things in the world we can do like chop wood, grind wheat and use the saw mill, but we don't know how to make arrows???
Dragon Shouts.
Me personally I'm not a fan out the shouts, but I like how you are not forced to rely on them, only if you want to use them. some I disagree with, but like I said it is user discretion if you want to use them our not, and the ones I disagree with seem more fitting like a spell then a shout, it could be to where i played Dungeon and Dragons for 15 years of my life and try to find ways to justify what I see.
And in all Skyrim is one of the better single player RPG games I have played and knew it would be a great sucess, and I shiver with anticipation at the first DLC they come out with as long as it isn't as short as the first 3 DLC for new vegas but bigger then Think tank and Lonesome road.
Good Job for the Guys and Gals and Team Bethesda, for publishing yet another game that makes me hide in my man cave only to come out to see that big thing in the sky we call a sun.