I have alteration up to iron flesh right now which is 80 damage reduction, then I have the lord stone which is 50 for magic and damage reduction and 50% magic resistance. I have resist fire and frost enchantments. Then I have 2 perks in magic resistance in alteration. Magic does little to no damage. I can fight an ancient dragon and the breath damage takes off a little life, but nothing I can't use retoration for. I'm on expert and at least I'm not dying so fast that I can't heal or attack. Another thing is I'm level 34 and I just killed krosis with him doing very little damage with his spells. IDK my magic resistance must be 150 to 200 percent. Another thing is I have heavy armor perks and I had a really cool dragon mask that was 100% magic regen, but I recently made a dragon armor helmet and put 34% magic regen because the mask was light armor. :/