You're actually not the Guildmaster officially yet, unofficially sure, but Brynjolf is still the official guild leader until you do the repetitive quests enough (5 in each city) and do the 4 "Restore" quests. Once you do these, they'll actually have a promotion ceremony. And for the most part, most of the thieves will start recognizing you as guild master. Maven will even congratulate you. Once. Then she'll ignore you as usual. I really wish you could kill her as part of the Dark Brotherhood quest.
Only gripe I have at that point is that Dirge still gives me lip about not caring that I'm friends with the guild master...Get a brain Dirge I AM the mf'in guild master.
I made a save and killed Dirge just because I had finally had enough. None of the other theives even cared. I then reloaded the save.
Odd because I have the GM chest and am able to loot it now and again. unless your post was directed at the OP. from what I can tell, I'm missing the map (for the treasures on shelves at desk, which I have but Delvin won't take) I've been thru the coronation as well..
I have done the gold generator quests countless times until they started repeating was then that I considered them to be a waste.
/282 in game hours logged