I'm doing a CL tour. I don't like CL to be honest and is not only because all the slavery, misogyny or imperialism (NCR is imperialist too), but the faction is a little unbalanced, portraited too black and white and the background left A LOT to be desired.
I mean, there's some things about CL explained in a very shallow manner that leaves to the player the work to make it up, wich leads to a lot of wild speculation.
Anyway, I'm deviating. I did the Vault 34 run for the quest "Hard Luck Blues" and since I proposed being allied with the Legion, the least I can do is being coherent with my choice, so I doomed the Sharecroper Farms by releasing the Vault Dwelers and letting the radiation poison the water.
I won't spoil the fun for those who do not know this, but to my surprise when wandering the Mojave I've found a bunch of farmers saying they were tired of the rationed water, the pressure of meeting quotas and now with the radiation in the water, that's it, they are lefting the Mojave and hope, quote, "the NCR forget about this cursed land".
I had this experience after cleaning Quarry Junction, someone say to me that "a badass wastelander cleaned the quarry, so the workers will return".
Isn't great when playing the game for some manny times you still find something new?
Excuse any errors, english is not my primary language.