Deep thought.......Marketing hyped the game.
Yep. They did a very good job of that. Beer commercials hype crappy beer too. It's still crap though. You can never judge the quality of a thing based on the promotion for that thing.
Companion system nullifies any difficulty setting. This GREATLY upsets me.
I haven't noticed this? How is it a problem for you? A few examples wouldn't hurt, so everyone knows what you want fixed exactly.
Everyone talking like Arnold while the kids have an American accent? WTHell??????? Anybody notice this?
Book reading and NPC's have lost their flavor: Actually, IMHO, reading books and overhearing NPC's at the right time, should have been the only ways to get to quests
Fast travel should have been EXTREMELY limited also
Book reading and NPC's have lost their flavor: Actually, IMHO, reading books and overhearing NPC's at the right time, should have been the only ways to get to quests
Fast travel should have been EXTREMELY limited also
The advlts were voiced by professional actors. The kids were voiced by ... kids. I just cut them a little slack for that one. I hardly expected them to fly a half dozen twelve year olds out of Norway to voice a couple NPCs.
I agree, there's far too little involvement of the books and the NPC dialogue. For the most part, you can ignore everything the NPCs say, and read books only to see if there's a skill point. Seems very hollow.
I don't think FT needs to be limited. Just need to include more lore-friendly alternatives for those that want them. Better carriage system would have been great. Also, the ability to use courriers to send messages would have been awesome.
I feel ripped off, in one sense, as a paying customer. Bethesda dropped the ball and should have chosen customers who actually played past TES titles on varying difficulty levels to alpha & beta this title...they didn't and it shows: The complaining on this forum
Can't really judge much by the complaining on the forum, since that's mostly what people come to the forum to do. The game works, so it's not broken. They didn't cheat us out of anything. It's just extremely simplified, which is annoying. I agree about the lack of depth in a lot of areas though.