Character Builds and Settings to make the game fun despite i

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:53 pm

It took me a long time and 3 scraqed characters to find one that is neither boring and/or to easy, so I thought Id share.
Most likely others will have found other good combinations, which I could use then when an expansion or large mods come out
and I want to replay, so it would be nice if you guys share your combinations to.

Fire Spellsword.
In order of skill priority:
Two Handed
No Armor
Only one Element allowed for Weapon Enchantements, Destruction and Conjuration and Shouts.
Only Greatswords.
No Companions.
With a mod that that increases enemy scaling, on Expert Difficulty.
Also I dont have to loot in Dungeons but use Transmute, Jewelry and Enchanting as source of Money.

No Melee character so I cant just slaughter everything without any real danger.
No Mage that just stands there and staggers stuff to death or has has to run around like a chicken if he dosent.
Took me some attempts to find a combination that is fun to me, with this one I have to and, equally important, it makes
sense to use almost every skill of the character as well as my own in almost every battle.

It takes a couple of levels until the true fun comes though, that is because Blocking with 2H isnt very good early on
and Conjuration comes in only when you got Flame Atronarch/Familiar.
First Focus should be on high Alteration because you really need that shields in some situations,
followed in priority by 2H because otherwise the combination of Cloth and not enough Melee damage will kill you.
At the first 20 levels I would advice to split level ups between Health and Magicka evenly.

Everyone who has problems with the to low difficulty will most likely know which Equipment, Perks and Skill usage will fit that
kind of character, so I wont list that here unless requested.
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Carlitos Avila
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Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:05 pm

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