Moments of Awesome

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:09 pm

I just wanted to relate something that happened in my game that was damned cool and left me with a grin on my face, and (even better) was not due to a bug :)

The following may contain minor plot spoilers

So, I'm at the start of the Diplomatic Immunity segment of the main quest, where I meet Delphine at Katla's Farm. She was just giving me the final spiel before I got on the carriage, and a rapidly moving red dot appears in my HUD compass. "Uh-oh", thinks I, knowing full well what this (likely) means. I was very very impressed when Delphine suddenly broke off, said "Hold on, what's that?", armed herself with a bow and proceeded to do battle with a dragon - as did all the nearby Solitude guards. Horses started running away and non-combatant NPCs could be heard saying "I'm getting out of here!"

And me? Well, at this point in the plot I was dressed for a party. I'd not got any of my armour on, nor had I much in the way of healing or alchemical buffs. Unprepared, shall we say. So I let the guards (and Delphine) hack at the dragon with arrows while I blasted it with fireballs. And we took it down, and I got its soul. Even better, once it was all done, the interrupted plot script picked up where it left off and Delphine waved me off to the party :)
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Claire Vaux
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Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:56 am

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