I didn't bother with previous elder scrolls games, how would spellmaking work in skyrim?
If you want your destro to make big dmg in skyrim you need
destro dmg pot + weakness to element poison your enemy + weakness to magic poison your enemy and then nuke them with a double cast expert spell.
If we had spellmaking you would just make one 1 handed spell named NUKE that is: 2xfire dmg expert spell + weakness to element + weakness to magic in one spell
You dont have the hastle of poisoning an enemy to get the extra dmg from spells ( no need to play tacticaly ) you just spam one spell and nuke everybody. If your lucky you can double cast that spell to get a double nuke. Couple that with the dmg destro pot once in a while and you can one hit Alduin with the lowest bolt spell :celebration:
Thats why ppl want spellmaking back, because its a hastle to play tacticaly when you can just spam nukes left and right :flamethrower: