Giants herding mammoths.
Or - take and improve upon the NPC day/night cycles. Skyrim is an improvement on the previous games in the series in this sense and can only go forward.
I love how people can tell the future and tell if BGS is even making FO4 since it never has been developed twice by the same dev.
It was a very popular (and dare I say lucrative) game and they still have the rights to the series. Is there any reason to believe they wont to do another beyond a "tradition" of no dev developing twice for it?
Fallout 3 was developed by Bethesda, they licensed the rights to Obsidian to develop New Vegas, which was a spin off rather than the next in the series. Bethesda as far as I know own the rights to the Fallout franchise.
You're right...odd i thought black isle studios made both...
Don't worry, they were/are all very intertwined (Interplay, Black Isle and Obsidian) so it is easy to think that. Plus Black Isle was working Fallout 3 before financial difficulties caused Interplay to get ride of them, so it isn't like a Developer gets it, makes one game and then passes the torch to someone else.
This. Plus theres already been much rumors of FO4.
I want:
Perk Trees
NO Weapon Degradation (<3 it..)
Mod Table.. similar to NV Mods using Skyrims Enchantment Table. MORE of them TOO!!! <333
BLUEPRINT WEAPONS TO RETURN. Obsidian didn't have them in NV and it pissed me off. Please bring the Railway Gun, Shiskehbab, etc. BACK PLEASE! <3
CRAZY puzzles, enemies, and locations.
That doesn't sound to bad at all.
Not sure how I feel about Weapon degradation. It never felt right for me (thematically or playwise) in TES games, I would have to think about it in relation to FO.
Hopefully they simplify the game more. All we need are one button for attack and the other for the later stages maybe one button called healz. This way the game can be marketed to the ages 3-8 crowd. There is a lot of money to be made there. And the game would just be a lot less stressful over all. Also they could make sure that everything scales...and I mean super mid fight if you are losing the enemy scales weaker and weaker until you can pwn them. I would like to call it Dynamic Scaling X. It will make it so you never lose and therefore can never get butthurt. Also the kids when they are playing often have to stop to pick their nose or throw a toy or something, its not fair that they be penalized for that. So Dynamic Scaling X could solve this problem. Mid fight the enemy would just get weaker as he beat on the afk player character and then will get promptly PWNED once the kiddie returns and merely presses the attack button.
Three buttons + Dynamic Scaling X = pure win. Looking forward to the next Bethesda title.
*Ok, let me try this.*
Cool story, bro.
You should tell it at parties.