I had played a good robin hood thief in oblivion. I had literally done every quest available. I had never murdered someone on purpose, but some random bandit or something got flagged as murder because i sneak killed him. at least, that is what I think, I never did kill an NPC that was not already hostile to me (and I never made people hostile through dialogue)
in oblivion, I decided that my "good thief" went a little haywire after main quest. I was rich and owned all the houses. there was no incentive to steal anymore. there were no interesting stories to follow. and being the big champion turned his values.
he never thought of thieves as "good" but just "not really evil" but now that he was savior of tamriel, it was like he could do no wrong.
he began to lust for adventure, and that led to the dark brotherhood.
so I have been thinking about other reasons to do evil quests.
here are a few.
1) daedra fanatic/scholar-- you don't worship any daedra, but you covet knowledge of them,experience of them, and most of all, their articfacts. you are basically a good person, but if any act can help you in this thirst for daedric lore.....you throw your morals aside.
2) academically evil-- might be good for mage. you have never been a bad person, but you are very unattached to people. you love books and knowledge. you have read about bandits, murderers, and dark brotherhood, etc... but these are not groups that easily give up their secrets. so you decide to "go native" anthropologically which is when you emulate the behavior of your subjects. you will join the TG and DB in order to study them and become known as the foremost scholar of secret societies of a darker nature.
3) you have a bad habit. you are the child of two priests of mara, but you have always been drawn to murder, six, and secrets. So publically, you are very "Good" person. but you have to indulge yourself. you have decided that altruistic quests are a good penance for the evil you do, so you will find yourself travelling across the world to save a life for a mere pittance. yet you also, at the turn of screw, will embark on dark deeds for fun and profit. you really really don't want to get caught, and will reload for any bounty you get.
4) you were a good person. until you became a vampire. then you sought out the dark brotherhood and the daedra...you fear no mortal anymore, nor are you bound by their rules
(in this one, you play totally good till MQ is done, etc. and then after becoming vampire, go evil.
I never liked the randomness/OCD of doing a bunch of quests when some were super goody goody and others were terribly evil. I wanted a narative framework for it.