» Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:58 am
Really, yes, this game is buggy, but if you screwed the heck up, thats your problems, not the games. Even if the game caused you to screw up, you COULD reload, if your a carful person like me you should keep reguler backups, go to the wiki to find a workaround or just avoid the quest entirly.
I also think i know what he did if anyone didint know already. He chose for Veronica to stay with the brotherhood at a low level and is now trapped in the bunker beacause he cant pass the speech check or kill the paladins (even though, as I said, he backup regulairly so this wouldent happen -.-). Not to be mean or anything, but i know what two workarounds for this problem without even opening up the wiki, one is fast traveling as soon as you get out of the bunker. the other is to reload a save before you told Veronica to stay in the Brotherhood (if you have one).
Also, [censordy] [cencored] [censored] right back at you