» Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:17 pm
*spoilers, but we are in the spoilers section so no worries*
yeah, the whole promising your soul away really bugged me about the quest, I'm the dragonborn, my soul is meant for some rather more important things than languishing in the evergloam, or whatever it's called, for eternity.
I also wasn't too pleased that everytime I had someone following me, they seemed to be a bunch of clowns. If I had a nickel for every time Mercer Frey got beaten to near-death by a draugr lord, i'd be a very wealthy man, to say nothing of the nightingales stumbling into every trap in the dungeon. Oh, and then there's the near impossible quest at honingbrewm where right as you're about to finish and pat yourself on the back for a job well done, a dragon swoops in and burns the place to cinders...
and as a final point, no one acknowedges me as guild master either, brynjolf says he's too busy and everyone else is just as annoying. And sapphire still won't tell me her name.. I swear she's the only decent character of the whole bunch, even if she is annoyinh.
edit: oh I forgot one of the things I hated the most. Besides the first pickpocketing test to get into the guild, you can largely get through the entire questline as a murderous axe swinging barbarian. Seems almost every quest is just another dungeon crawl, and forget about that "not murderers" rule, you have to massacre those bandits/draugr/unlicensed thieves to complete the quest. All in all I much preferred the thieves guild in oblivion, there was a sense of nobility, and apart from the final quest (which was epic enough to atone for this one flaw), you didn't need to kill anyone.