I need help getting the dinnerbell, i know what quest to do as im currently doing it. Earlier in the game i sold the mantis egg clutch not knowing of its later signifagnce, leaving me to scarvange for individual mantis i eggs ive found some in the DLCS. I was wondering if anbody knew in it were possible to get the eggs other than the clutch, and the mantis in the vault were you find the eggs clutch no londer respwn so i cant just go back and re havest so what is a bro to do? Any help would be appricated
The mantis egg clutch is a quest item, you shouldn't be able to sell it. In fact, if you haven't gotten Bleed Me Dry yet, you shouldn't even *see* the mantis egg clutch.
...You do realize that the clutch is found in one of the terrain egg clutches, not a live mantis, right?