Thanks for the info, I currently only use 1 playthrough, and im not really trying to role-play, I'm trying to find out the skills that are used more throughout the game
OK. That's cool. It's still gonna depend on your playstyle quite a bit. IMO the most important non-combat skills are, in this order: Repair, Speech, Lockpick, Science. Science goes up if you're playing an energy weapons contric character. Repair is even more important for a guns character. Sneak, I consider a combat skill, but that depends on playstyle. Playing a sniper? High sneak. Playing a ninja or assasin? High sneak. Otherwise, don't worry about it, unless you wanna take a minigun into the casinos. hardcoe players will get the most from Survival, and medicine can be a helpful skill for all builds too. You can leave Barter at beginning levels and still become richer than Bill Gates, but there are a few perks that need it and some end game skill checks it helps too.
All of this is moot though, if you dl all the dlcs. With a cap of 50, it doesn't take much to max all your skills even with a 1 IN. What may help you some would be to look at, figure out which perks you really, really want, and make sure you get to the required skill level for them.
Give us a little more info on your playstyle/build and we could be more specific.