I'm not sure if this has been discussed given that I've avoided the forums until I'd finished everything, but I loved FWE for FO3 and its inclusion of the alternative start concept. Given how many people love to RP I think that this would be an excellent idea for FO4. Imagine, instead of being generic wasteland wanderer or worse a delivery boy (okay a bit harsh) you could start as a tribal, BOS, Enclace remnant, Khan, wastelander etc. This could have an impact on what factions you could join or in the case of Enclave and BOS give you a faction to begin with. Origin choice would effect stats, skills and perks availabe as it does in FWE. Each origin could have a different start location and a short series of quests as in the excellent, ryhmes with bag on cage: origins. If you love Fallout, which lets be honest we do, you will start this game at least a dozen times and probably finish it four or five times.
Extra origins could be included as DLC. All it would take to make them feel authentic would some extra dialogue options like the [Legion] options in LR. As part of this there could be quests and investment posibilites for faction bases, giving you something to spend that 100 000 caps that you have towards the end on something more exciting than a 30 000 cap weapon. It would be cool to be mayor of Goodsprings and build a wall, plant some new crops, fight off raiders etc. I think that these ideas would allow us to flesh out our characters more. I really have a hard time imagining my super soldier who looks like Roy from Blade Runner ever being a courier. What do people think?