-Make absolutely certain to read what the game throws at you. The best strategy guide is usually listening to the NPCs/system messages. An added bonus is that you won't embarrass yourself by asking certain questions that are common knowledge. We're here to help, and that includes proactively.
-Pay attention to the landscape-certain monsters prefer certain places. The corollary to this is that certain creatures you can find 4 minutes from startup are entirely inappropriate to face until later in the game. Sure, you'll hear stories of some wasteland badass pulling it off, but that's generally people who are either playing with mods or have specialized their character quite a lot.
-Don't knock any weapon, no matter how useless it seems. BB guns are awesome for conserving ammunition when facing Mantis Nymphs or detonating mines from a distance, and mines themselves remain useful throughout a playthrough, almost regardless of skill. But remember that some weapons will likely be stupidly ineffective if your skill is too low (I'm looking at you, Missile Launcher/Gattling Laser/AMR/Fat Man/Minigun/Super Sledge/Ballistic Fist.).
-Stick to raising ONE weapon skill until it's about 80. Then start picking up whatever secondary skills fit your roleplay.
Hope this helps!