Crafting potions

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:19 pm

Been running around towns and dungeons in search for some enchanting and smithing potions for some time now. Finally got few of each and went to upgrade my gear. Drank one +enchanting potion that lasts 60 sec and went to enchant some items. What happened is that there is just enough time to enchant 1-2 items per potion because the animations last too long to start working, mouse is incredibly slow while crafting and finally I get that stupid made-in-microsoft question "are you sure you want to....". Of course I'm bloody sure I want to do what I pressed to do. So my suggestion is, stop the time while animating character going to work, make mouse work propperly while crafting, and please remove that stupid question if I'm sure. We have F5 and F9 to change our minds.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:57 pm


Done and done!

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