What they have to do is have to worlds, one huge world like the Mojave wasteland, which is single player only, and another version where players can participate in multiplayer using their charectors.
I'm talking team DeathMatch, Search and Destroy, Sabatoge, capture the flag, all that good stuff.
And why not throw in cooperative storylines where you would roam the wastland with your buddies, complete an epic storyline? Can you imagine how cool it would be if you could walk from Goodsprings to Primm with 3 of your buddies, but along the way, you don't only have AI controlled powder gangers to worry about, you gotta worry a bout other player, possibly a higher level than you, attacking your crew.
I'm seriously considering starting an online petition to make this happen. I know the company that makes this game is solid enough to pull it off.
What do you guys think? Ideas? Comments?