It is with a sad heart that I inform you that I'm leaving Hoover Dam first thing tomorrow morning to lead the assualt on the Legion Fort. I don't have to tell you about the dangers. I know that is unlikely that I will survive still, I am at peace.
Lord knows I haven't done half as much as I set out to do when I walked out of that Vault. And I don't know if I'll ever be forgiven for what happened to the Khans. But for what's it worth, I have brought the Brohter hood and the NCR together, if only for one battle.
I've also secured the town of Goodsprings against Powder gangers, helped Freeside take strides towards sobriety and economic stability, and cut many connections the Legion had with New vegas and the Mojave wasteland.
I wish I had more time, but I don't. the Legion has to be wiped out before it can grow stronger.
however, I need to ask one more favor. I rented out a room in Novac for awhile, it's the one directly across from dinky the dinosaur. can you please remove my pormography collection so my parents don't find it? this would really mean alot to me and I don't have time to go over there and get it.
thank you very much, no matter what happens at the damn, I regret nothing. except for not throwing out those magazines when I had the chance.
Rock and roll forever, :mohawk:
-Rooster smith