I'm playing Daveney as a caring, but pragmatic sort. People before traditions, choices before despotism, personal freedoms before security. On the flipside, she's a very legal type, holding the Rule of Law as the highest possible virtue. The Legion is doomed, and that is written in stone. The NCR needs to get it's house in order, so it will be spared as many casualties as possible and tricked off Hoover Dam. They currently beleive that Davneney is working to bring the Mojave under their rule.
House is already dead. The securitron army is mine. The Enclave Remnants are on her side, as well as the Boomers and -surprisingly- the Khans. The Omertas will be wiped out, the White Gloves spared, and the Chairmen (under Swank) integral to the running of New Vegas and Daveney's expanding empire.
Now is the time to decide if the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood lives or dies.
Thing is, Daveney's backstory in my mind is that she's Midwest Brotherhood. An exiled but very heroic Inquisitor that's had said status lifted and would be welcomed back with celebrations and open arms if she chose to return, but feels she can do more for her chaptermates and people acting as an independent operator, and soon to be ruler of Vegas and the Mojave. Even with her background though, she can make a case for destroying the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood. Not only are they not her brothers, as her chapter is considered rogue and is entirely on it's own, but they pose a significant threat to her power base, as possibly to that of her home chapter once she reestablishes contact.
On the flipside, if she can reestablish contact...they're still technically of the same organization. If she destroys them, any chance of finding common ground between West and Midwest will be lost. There is also Veronica to consider, her dear friend. She's chosen to stay with her chapter and family, despite what it will certainly do to her in the long run. Either choice will bring great pain to Daveney's friend and confidant. She'd also be betraying Veronica's trust and robbing her of the choice she made. The latter is the far graver crime is Daveney's view. The right to make ones own choices are beyond sacred to her.
Daveney is hard enough to destroy the Mojave chapter if she must...the choice is if she has to be. She's made very brutal, harsh choices in her time as an Inquisitor, some of them condemned whole tribes and towns to death so others could live. Her hands, and her conscience, are by no means clean. She does often doubt her decisions, but will face their consequences head on without so much as a whimper and stands by her choices resolutely once they are made.
Kill the Mojave chapter, betray a friend and poison any chance to mend the way between two chapters as well and any hope of peaceful coexistence, or spare them and possibly court a bloody war in the future as well as possibly poison any chance of lasting peace with the NCR?