» Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:49 pm
I own the regular game, bought everything but GRA and Couriers Stash (I do have the Classic Pack as well). Yet I will still probably buy GRA, and Ultimate Edition when it comes out (It just so happens to be released two days after my birthday. So ima buy the Ultimate edition, and give my NV copy to my little brother for a bit late christmas present (We already talked about, hes so excited XD). Its not too much money, and you get it all nicely bundled into one package. Its especially good for those who dont have access to internet, like one of my friends who is also deciding to buy it even though he owns a copy of the game. Its all a matter of personal preference, just because you already have the DLC doesnt mean you shouldnt buy it if you want it, do like im doing, and give your first copy to a friend or family member who doesnt/cant have it, that way everyones happy. Or dont, and do whatever XD