And the Legion is going to be around for the rest of the human history to ensure technology can never advance again (setting aside for the moment how awful an attitude that truly is)? Or is it simply their presence, however long it lasts, that's going to set human history on a different trajectory for all eternity that ensures that weapons of mass destruction will never be created again? Yeah probably not. This argument that the Legion will prevent another Great War gets even more unbelievable when you realize that the Legion is responsible for one of the few radiological attacks since the Great War at Camp Searchlight.
It was man/man's greed ect. that caused the great war, but if people didn't invent nukes there couldn't have been a great war. In other words if people are kept from advancing technologically (like in the Legion) then they can't screw up too bad. Again I disagree with this, but Caesar does have a point.
My point wasn't to defend the Legion's atrocities, it was to defend the fact that Caesar isn't
all bad, or rather that his intentions may be good. He thinks he's helping humanity by shunning technology, and while
I don't think that the Legion will be around for the rest of human history,
Caesar might think that they will, or at least that they will be around for the foreseeable future.
You young punks and your lack of knowledge of Classic Christmas movies! I'm going to stop making references to things that nobody watches :sadvaultboy:
Jessica's quote from Santa Claus is Coming to Town, before she breaks off into the song "My World is Beginning Today"
Ha, I got that reference, I actually just watched that movie the other day. So many childhood memories. *sniff* *sniff*