Every faction of New Vegas has a good and bad side about it.
Which one you like and which one you hate depends upon one's life experiences and philosophy or even character suitability.
Arguing over little details like people in this thread are doing is silly- what *you* see in New Vegas is what *you* get.
It's true that every faction has its good and bad side - it's one of the reasons why FNV is so awesome - but it doesn't follow that each faction has equally good and bad sides. Almost no one here is claiming that one side is entirely good or bad. The argument here (as in the forums) is over the relative degrees of good and bad of each faction.
I'm an NCR supporter, for example, but I acknowledge that it's a bureaucratic mess and that its presence in the Mojave is thoroughly imperialist. However, as a whole the NCR seems to have good intentions, and since the end result of this imperialist exercise is (probably) NCR citizenship for the people of the Mojave and greater economic integration with the prosperous West Coast, my opinion is that it's a reasonable trade-off.
And I do know that the Legion provides security, I just don't think the (rather barebones) ends justify their brutal, excessive means. Yes, they do provide security, which may be an admirable goal a century ago, but why settle for survival when prosperity is a very realistic goal, as the NCR has shown? There is a time and place for ruthlessness and austerity, it just isn't the Mojave in the late 23rd century.
Yep, but as a veteran of this forum it doesnt work, I've tried to show the moral brilliance of House, the deep grey misguidedness of the Legion, but around here it's NCR or none :sadvaultboy:
So we're all illogical sheeple because we disagree with your assessment of House's moral brilliance? Don't get me wrong, House is my preferred route after NCR, but I think it's fairly clear that House's motives are not altruistic.
Also, not American.