Huh!? Does that mean any cell record with that comment attached is NOT cleaned with TESTool? Then why is it listed on my TESTool.log?
logs are usually not for errors only, but to understand what happens and why...
Another question: Many mods that adds new landmass(Ald Vendrass, Whitewolf, Annastia, WI, TR, Silgrad) has some CELL records cleaned with TESTool(even with restricted cell cleaning options enabled)?Is it safe to remove such records?
Usually, it is 99% safe. If TESTools (with restricted cell cleaning on) removes the cell, it means it has not found any object reference/texture/landscape changes, a really "VOID" cell. The only thing I think could cause problem is with a mod using a new, completely "VOID" garbage interior cell to store killed things by script (this was used mainly before the setdelete command was added to the scripting engine), but this should be rare and easily solved putting inside that cell any static reference (I.E. any architecture piece, a single coin...) so TESTool will recognize the cell as "not void".
Sorry to ask this question, I'm new to morrowind, and prolly confused with so many tools to clean mods(unlike Oblivion with only TES4Edit)
No probs, Morrowind has many quirks and many tools trying to solve them, sometimes with overlapping options, so it probably needs more practice