Regarding the spell controls for mages (spending more time in lists than anything else), they need to do this:
First, the left (or right) d-pad button should bring up a separate Favorites list than the one that comes up when you press up or down. It needs to be a "combat list", a further special selection of favorite items that you want ot have for combat purposes only. That would give you a much shorter initial list to work with.
The second thing they could do, is make the right (or left) d-pad button open up a small interface that shows still a further, even more special list. This list, would correspond to hotkeys, including every button except the d-pad and left anolog, if they wanted to.
So instead you want to change spells. Currently, you have to go into the list of Favorites, find it, select it, use it. When you want to change spells again, you have to do it again.
With the proposed system, you would be holding the d-pad. Right d-pad + X (A?) = Fireball, once it's highlighted you click the trigger corresponding to your hand (or you could have a different key for each hand, and press both buttons to load dual casting). It's more intuitive, and it keeps us out of lists, while also giving us many options for hotkeys. Above all, it's FASTER.
The spells in this game would be awesome if we were simply able to switch spells faster. This idea would allow it. Copy and paste this if you like it. Tell the devs.
Okay, so how about THIS!
A little roundish icon in the bottom middle of the screen, a small HUD. All it shows are the 4 D-Pad directions, and a description:
For "Up": Favorites. This can be your general Favorites list which, since you won't have to put your weapons, shields, and spells on it anymore will probably end up being mainly Shouts and potions (amirite?).
For "Down": You can do one or two things. You can make "Down" a sort of Equipment Manager hotkey spot (where we can save so many sets and name them, and their names appear when we press "Down"), OR you can make it a Shouts list. So that when you press "Down" on the D-Pad, a list of all your known Shouts comes up. This can also be the place where Racial abilities, and other large abilities should show up (like Night Eye).
For "Left" and "Right" respectively: Two criteria. Can it be held in (whichever) hand? Is it a combat maneuver?
If it can be held in (whichever) hand, then it can be placed into the (whichever) hand non-combat list. (This also allows you to have a non-combat A.I. for stuff like Torches, so that we can carry Torches and they will automatically switch to our weapons on entering combat, as the game will switch to combat mode. This is a much more intuitive sight by the players, as they actually realize they are in combat, and don't have to go into a friggin' menu to switch off their torch. It will also fix the Torch bug, promise.)
If the weapon, spell, or item is also a combat maneuver, then it can be assigned a hotkey. Using a new hotkey interface (designed to get paramount use out of this HUD), you are able to assign hot keys for each "hand". The following hotkeys can be supported (my guess anyway, and listed as PS3 buttons, since that is what I am familiar with): X,O, Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2. That gives us eight (8) combat hotkeys per "hand", for a total of 16 combat hotkeys. All we do to call them up, is press "left" or "right" on the D-pad.
Say I press "left", and what pops up? I see my Shield (got it on hotkey X, ofc), I see a healing spell (on O), I see an off-hand Sword in case I want to dual-wield (on Triangle), etc. In order to switch between these, I just have to continue to hold "left" on the D-pad, and press the corresponding hotkey.
Just remember, that there are two parts to this, being "combat" and "noncombat". So we would have to set two lists, of course, but we could change those out if we need to, out of combat, while we are in town screwing with all our other lists. You know, we will "load up" certain things to our hotkeys.
I believe that not only will this improve the quality of life of this game, it will improve the gameplay far beyond anything we are playing with now, that's for certain. Think of how FAST you would be able to play, as a caster, if all you had to do in order to switch spells was to tap "left"+[button] in order to switch spells!
Think of all of the Mage QQ, and all of the QQ about how this is a "melee" game. This one interface change, could send Skyrim to extremely new heights. Consider it. Use the idea. I don't want or need credit. IF it ends up in the game, I'm cool with that knowledge.