A Treatise on Sload Culture

Post » Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:20 pm

This is some of my fanmade ideas about the Sload.

The Sload are truly the most alien race in Tamriel. Incapable of humour, sorrow or love, they are feared and hated, though I feel this is unjust. Few alive today remember the Thrassian Plague, and the Sload regret that day. They do not apologise, but that is because such politeness is alien to them. But enough of this. I am not here to convince the reader of their worth. Such things cannot be measured, for the Sload are too different in mentality to apply our morality to them. I am here to tell my findings from my excursion to Thras. Although Bendu Olo's notes are satisfactory for an average citizen, scholars will recognise they are incomplete and tempered with prejudice.

The Sload are extremely strange in behaviour. As I mentioned, they cannot comprehend jokes, romance or sadness. It is said that when other races fall into despair, the Sload grow in anger. As such, it is common for the Sloads to curse their gods when tragedy strikes.The Sload do not have manners, nobility or such things. They believe in efficiency over appeasing the fragile feelings of man and mer. It is noted that the Sload are often eager to fake emotion to mislead other races. Thus, anyone wishing to deal with them must realise that the Sload are much more stoic than they seem, and often when a Sload seems to befriend a human the Sload actually merely desires to manipulate them. Of all the Sload I met, only a few had genuine fondness for me, and quite a few times I was nearly killed by my so-called allies.

The Sload nobility are powerful Liches, who act as petty lords. They are served by the reanimated corpses of all Sload that die in their domain. They have no law as we know it. Instead, the Lichlords determine if an action was detrimental to them, and judge accordingly. Thus, a Sload may kill another Sload for personal gain if the Sload was unimportant enough. It is said that when the Sload race was nearly destroyed in retaliation for the Thrassian plague, the creators of it were tortured to death and beyond, their souls raised as wraiths to live in torment for their error. These Lich kingdoms often fight against eachother, though willing to ally with each other if desperate. Only a few times have all the lords united.

Sload religion is strange, for their gods are not worshipped, but hated, with one exception. Their most important gods are the Dragon Lord and the God of Endings. The Dragon Lord is a maniac who alternates between caring for creation and desiring its destruction. He has two heads, one kind one representing the past and one wrathful one representing the future. The God of Endings is a loathed god who cursed life with mortality out of spite, and the Sload practice necromancy to counteract this curse. However, there is a less mainstream religion worshipping the King of Worms, a man said to have taught Sload necromancy and who seeks to overthrow the God of Endings. Many Sload are against deifying what is commonly believed to have been a mortal, but the cult exploded in popularity in the late Third Era, to the point where even the rare human cults of the King of Worms blossomed in size, most notably the Order of the Black Worm.

Sload value two things: caution and ambition. Sload are naturally cautious, a result of their breeding cycle where thousands of mindless sea-slug like Sload grubs have to survive against predators, such as fish, the fishermen who make the grubs into Sload Soap, and even a few advlt Sload, with only half a dozen surviving per clutch on average. As such, many of their stories involve disaster caused by rash action or heroes prevailing through patience, consultation with wiser Sload and cunning, such as the legend of the hero O'gath who waited twenty years for the Aldmer to stop searching for him rather than leave his secret lair and get executed. Sload think of ambition as a virtue, as without ambition they would not've reached the heights in culture they have had. The only things important to a Sload are himself, his small circle of "friends" (Though the closest word for friend in Sload language translates to "permanent ally with the same goals as me") and the Sload race, in that order.

All in all, the Sload are best left alone. We are too alien to eachother for our races to get along, and if we were to come into conflict again it would only lead to suffering for both sides.
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