More Cheaters

Post » Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:05 pm

So today ( or should I say yesterday since it's after midnight here ) I started up Crysis 2, logged in and joined some Russian server playing TIA on Parking Deck. At first I didn't notice anything but then the in-game chat started up about two or more hackers. Next round was Lighthouse and before the game started I asked who was hacking -- for that I got a votekick initiated against me by one of the hackers ; fortunately it timed out. These two ***holes, KILL^>`B8:````:HAzzx and XIAOjiuwo were using every hack in the book eg. speedhacks, aimbots, infinite ammo, "hyper" rapid fire, "super" power jump hacks, infinite suit energy etc.

Next round was Skyline, again in which a votekick was initiated against me by one of the hackers ( same outcome as last time). These guys were blatantly running all over the place firing continuously and killing everyone in sight. In Skyline I also noticed some hacker like behavior from these ERRORIOUS and Levitico "guys."

Next round was Terminal in which the other two "suspect hackers" started to show their lameness. And finally the last round was City Hall which had at least 4 hackers in it and most of the people quit in disgust.

I'm uploading the video of Skyline to YouTube right now. Note that I don't usually svck like I do in the video -- you have to take into account the horrid lag, FPS penalty incurred by FRAPS, and all the cheaters. Also, my look/aim is really smooth and not jerky -- I don't know why it looks like crap in FRAPS ( may have something to do with the framerate at which I recorded it ).

So, next post will be the YouTube video.


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