My clan is EGO. It`s not a abbreviation, it stands for: Play for your own EGO, no "do that", "do this", "use that weapon"... Just playing for your own fun (and for the team of course.
Don`t have to be a pro as long as you have fun playing the game

Will use the clan-name in other games as well such as cod and such but right now I have`nt got those games. I think Crysis 2 is the best multi player experience yet.
Too bad there are`nt a lot of players online... And the retaliation maps are`nt worth the 800 points if no one is playing the maps... But I will purchase the map-pack nether the less.. Just hoping that a lot of people are playing yhe maps

If you want to join my clan just send me a message through the xbox live...